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This project was done during my Treehouse Tech Degree program. You can View the live mockups here: Admin Flow | Basic User Flow


The goal of this project is to start a website for email and marketing for users that is simple and easy to use at an affordable price. In this project you will see the user flows for both an admin user and a basic user. Along with the design of the overall site, I came up with the design of the logo.



The problems are that the process can be clunky and confusing on these types of sites. There are a lot of competitors so there is a need to stay competitive and have similar features. It needs to be a clear and concise between the differences in the Admin and Basic User roles.


The target audience is men or women ages 25-55 who are busy with their jobs and life and don’t have a lot of time for wandering around stores on their lunch breaks or after work. These people would benefit the most because with this app they'll be able to see what’s in stock and they'll be able to place an order on their phone and have it ready for them to pick up when they are free to do so. They also will have the option to choose who is picking their groceries and review and rate them.


They should be the primary shoppers for their household, have a smartphone, go grocery shopping on a weekly basis.


When I started the process, I reviewed various competitor sites to see the types of features, styles and overall look that others in the industry were offering. From there, I picked out what might work well to integrate into this project.


After that, I created user personas, one for an admin and one for a basic user to get a feel of how a user might use this site or what they might need to help them get what they need.


When I was making the wireframes, I made sure to keep the personas in mind. I then used that to create a design that I thought both an admin and a basic user would like to use and one that also looked nice.


I made sure to evaluate what differences there would be between an admin role and a basic user role. I did this by doing a little deeper research into other sites and seeing what was offered there.  


Once the wireframes were finished, I put both of the user flows through testing. I was able to test them with 5 different people, they tested both the Admin and basic user flow. 


After receiving all of the feedback and information from everyone, I went to work on high fidelity mockups based off of the wireframes. In this, I took the feedback and designed a nice looking and functional mockup. I did make some other small changes along the way in this from wireframe to HF mockups as they displayed more functionality on the “final” product. This would go to another round of testing before final launch to development.


I learned that, especially during covid, it can be increasingly difficult to find people to test with. It takes a little more time to get the right people in to do the testing. 


I also learned that it takes a lot of research from different sources to come up with the best design and options to offer the users. 


Coming up with designs for different styles of sites, such as a builder site vs. a general commerce site takes quite a different thinking than I’m used to. It was interesting getting the ideas and putting them from sketches > wireframes > mockups and how they would change from section to section based on how they would actually work vs how I thought they might.






You can view the live mockup here: Admin Flow


You can view the live mockup here: Basic User Flow

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